C.H.M. Broeders Homepage inrwww.webarchiv.kit.edu

Number of visits of this site since February 3, 2017: 214
Visitor feedback appreciated (comments, recommendations):
Original inrwww (scientific documents)

KAPROS / KANEXT Information

New private website chmblh.eu

Photo Auswahl / Selectie / Selection: 2015 , 2014 , 2013

Störchen um / ooievaars rond / stork's around / des cigognes près de Linkenheim
  • Vogelpark VVND Rußheim 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
  • Photos from Rheinauen

    Scientific work after retirement , more in Scientific area.

    Please select a language, login in scientific area or topic from gallery:

    English Deutsch Nederlands Francais Русский ISTC login IAEA login

    (Click - flag or underlined blue / Flagge oder unterstrichener blauer / vlag of onderstreepte blauwe - Text)


  • Weisse Bisamratte Alt-Dettenheim Clip

  • Zeegat Vlissingen snapshots opgenomen door (http://www.zeegat.nl).

  • Begegnung mit Reh in Rheinauen Clip

  • Ende einer Pappelreihe bei der Insel Rott Hochstetten

  • Bilder vom Rhein Hochwasser Juni 2013 nahe Linkenheim

  • Rheinauen Linkenheim ( http://www.lebendige-rheinauen.de ).

  • Sequence of pictures of an apple tree 2007-2012 in the Rheinauen near Linkenheim Apple-Tree

  • Trees in the Rheinauen near Linkenheim

  • Snapshots Kirchturme / Kerktorens / Church towers Rheinauen Linkenheim

  • Fischrestaurant Insel Rott am Rhein Insel Rott, Weihnachtskonzert 2008 / Kostproben ..
    (homepage http://www.inselrott.de)

  • Restaurant/Konditorei Rheinblick Leopoldshafen . . snapshots,. . video clip pizza show
    (homepage http://www.rheinblick-leopoldshafen.de).

  • Clip met goede raad van Sjoukje Dijkstra (nice for people growing older)

  • More pictures in areas: English , Deutsch , Nederlands , Francais , Русский

    CV postmaster.

    Unwetter Voraussagen Deutschland http://www.unwetterzentrale.de

    Scientific area

  • Password protected project logins.

  • Scientific work after retirement

  • Selected results from education support in the past 15 years (diploma, doctor, ... )

  • Some interesting work on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Reactor Physics Issues

  • The modular code system KAPROS/KANEXT, our basic computer tool for nuclear reactor simulations

    Goto top

    Last update 05.01.2019 by C.H.M. Broeders.