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Documents related to nuclear data evaluation

Last update 26.5.2013 by C.H.M. Broeders.

  • Systematics of (p,n) cross section, paper Radiochim. Acta 96 (2008), published by

  • Paper Kerntechnik 73 (2008) 1-2

  • SMINS Conference Karlsruhe Jun. 4-6, 2007: pdf-file Paper, pdf-file Poster.

  • Paper Kerntechnik 72 (2007) 5-6

  • Paper (p,alpha), (p,n alpha) and (p,np) reactions in Applied Radiation and Isotopes Vol 65 (2007)

  • Paper (n-He3) reactions in Applied Radiation and Isotopes Vol 65 (2007)

  • PADF paper in Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Vol 42, No 7 (2007),
    PADF file available on url:

  • Paper Nuclear Physics A 780 (2006)

  • 9-IEMPT Nimes 2006: pdf-file Paper, pdf-file Poster

  • PHYSOR 2006 Vancouver, pdf-file paper
  • Paper Kerntechnik 71 (2006) 4

  • Paper Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Vol 7, No 1 (2006)

  • DISCA - advanced intranuclear cascade cluster evaporation model code system for calculation of particle distributions and cross sections at emitted particles in nuclear reactions at intermediate energies, FZKA 7221 (2006)

  • Development of Calculation Methods to Analyze Radiation Damage, Nuclide Production, and Energy Deposition in ADS Materials and Nuclear Data Evaluation FZKA 7197 (2006)

  • ALICE/ASH - pre-compound and evaporation model code system for calculation of excitation functions, energy and angular distributions of emitted particles in nuclear reactions at intermediate energies, FZKA 7183 (2006)

  • Paper Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Vol. 42, Nr. 10 (2005)

  • Paper Kerntechnik 70, 5-6, (2005)

  • Paper Kerntechnik 70, 4 (2005)

  • NIM A Volume 550 (2005)

  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 234 (2005)

  • Journal of Nuclear Materials 342 (2005)

  • Journal of Nuclear Materials 336 (2005)

  • Paper Kerntechnik 69 1-2, (2004)

  • IOTA - a Code to Study Ion Transport and Radiation Damage in Composite Materials, FZKA 6984 (2004)

  • Journal of Nuclear Materials 328 (2004)

  • NIM A Volume 463 (2001)